AUSTMOTO GROUP Membership Terms and Conditions

  • AUSTMOTO GROUP PTY LTD (19 658 218 476) provides a premium monthly membership to which these terms and conditions apply to.
  • You must be 18 years of age or over to sign up to an AUSTMOTO GROUP Premium membership.

Entries into promotional draws

  • If you would like to receive access to all other AUSTMOTO GROUP promotions, then you must individually enter these promotions other than the premium  membership draws via


  • Premium memberships are an on-going subscription to the AUSTMOTO GROUP platform, which are direct debited until cancelled by you or terminated by us in accordance with these terms and conditions.
  • Entries into promotional draws are otherwise subject to the terms and conditions associated with the relevant promotion, which should be read in conjunction with these membership terms and conditions.
  • There is only one type of membership. This is called the premium monthly membership, and details are as follows:

$99 billed monthly. The benefits to this subscription is that the customer secures at least one of the available free tickets into AUSTMOTO Group's low ticket capped monthly premium giveaways when purchasing an advanced 1 on 1 plus customisation arm pump diet program.

To access the status of your membership account, you can log in at or email us 

Other promotional draws

  • Any other promotional draws held by Austmoto Group and not specified as a 'Premium draw' other than the $99 premium draws, will not make part of this membership subscription, but have their own one time payment to enter.
  • Information on these additional other promotions can be found within the terms and conditions of said promotions via


  • To cancel the membership, follow the links from the confirmation email received when first purchasing the membership.
  • Once the cancellation process is complete, your membership will be cancelled instantly. 
  • No refund will be offered if you cancel your membership mid-billing cycle for any reason or if you do not complete the cancellation process before the payment comes out. 
  • Cancellation of your membership will not remove you from our marketing database. To remove yourself from our marketing database you must click the unsubscribe link in the promotional email and follow the prompts.
  • If you hold a membership and, for any reason, a direct debit for payment of your membership fails, we will attempt to debit your payment on three further occasions every five days after the initial payment failure. If, after three attempts, we are unable to debit your membership payment, your membership and all membership benefits will be terminated.
  • You may re-subscribe to the membership at any time.


  • You should notify us of any change of name, address, contact number, email address or billing information by updating your details online, or emailing us at
  • We will not be responsible for any failure by you to notify us of your change of details, which may result in you not obtaining the full benefit of your AustMoto Group premium membership.


  • We do not exclude any rights and remedies in respect of goods or services under the Competition and Consumer Act (2010) which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified. However, the remainder of this clause will apply to the fullest extent permitted by law and we and our partners are not be liable (including in negligence) for any loss (including but not limited to indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage whatsoever which is suffered or for any personal injury, illness or death suffered or sustained in connection with AustMoto Group membership, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.


  • We are not responsible for any tax implications arising from you using the AUSTMOTO Group platform or receiving any benefit from it.
  • We may exclude or suspend you from the AUSTMOTO Group platform or from receiving benefits from the AUSTMOTO Group platform if you: engage in conduct that may jeopardise the proper conduct of the AUSTMOTO Group platform; act in a disruptive, annoying, threatening, abusive or harassing manner; do anything that may diminish the good name or reputation of us, our partners or any of our related entities or contractors; breach any law in connection with the AUSTMOTO Group platform or your participation in our promotions; or behave in a way that we reasonably believe is otherwise inappropriate.
  • You must not assign or attempt to assign any right or liability under these terms and conditions without our prior written consent.
  • Any term of these terms and conditions that is expressed to survive, or by its nature survives, the termination or expiry of these terms and conditions will survive and continue in effect following such termination or expiry.
  • All references to $ in these terms and conditions are in Australian dollars.
  • We may, from time to time, amend these terms and conditions. The amended terms and conditions will apply from the time they are posted on the AUSTMOTO Group website or are otherwise notified to members. If you do not wish to accept any amendments to these terms and conditions, you may cancel your AUSTMOTO Group membership.
  • We may cease offering memberships by notifying members on the AUSTMOTO Group website or otherwise, provided that we provide sufficient notice so that the termination does not cause unreasonable financial or other detriment to members.
  • These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Old, Australia.

Last updated: 8th Dec 2024.